
About Pharmacy360 Franchise

Pharmacy360 is the foremost brand in the medical franchise in India and works with an aim to make all Indians ‘Atma Nirbhar’ by offering them franchise opportunities. They also wish to provide all medicines, medical apparatus and tests of the best quality at affordable prices in one place in every city in India. We are associated with more than 1200 national and international brands that provide us more than 20,000 products, and in a short period of 2 years, we have opened around 100 franchise outlets. We have a 6000-sq ft supermarket in Maharashtra, a 3000-sq ft supermarket in Jammu, a 2500- sq ft one in Dehradun, a 2200- sq ft one in Odisha, and an 1800-sq ft supermarket in Assam. And many more in over 14+ states in India!

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Why Select Pharmacy360

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Purchasing and Restocking of Products

We provide help with product purchasing and product restocking. Pharmacy360 will help you select, buy and restock your products. Our research team will ascertain that your store is always stocked with the products demanded mostly by your customers.
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Branding And Marketing

Our team will assist with the branding and marketing of your business franchise. Our special branding and marketing team will help you with your branding and marketing as it our brand also!
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Backend Support

We will also provide backend support. You will require software for online management, which would need backend support. Our team is available to help you whenever you need it.
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Great Discounts and Offers

Great discounts and offers on more than 20000 products from the Pharmacy360 store. No need to wait for sales offers because we will announce offers and discounts in a timely manner, which means your shop will never be empty.
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Hiring and Training of Staff

We also assist with hiring and training. Staff hiring and training are often tough hence we do it for you as we know the importance of quality staff working in franchises
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3 Month Royalty Free with ensured 20% ROI

And you get all this at a price which can be recovered easily in just 5-7 months. And if you think this will cost you so much that you will have to give up your life savings, then you are wrong. The investment can easily be regained in just 5-7 months.
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Help With All government Registrations

To provide the best quality products to our customers and always have good sales opportunities, we have collaborated with around 1200 national and international brands that have provided us with 20,000+ products to offer.
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More than 20000 Products from more than 1200 Brand tie-ups

To offer the best quality products to our customers and always ensure good sales opportunities, we are associated with around 1200 brands with more than 20,000 products to offer.
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Round-the Clock Call support

Our experts are available round the clock to provide guidance with any problem you might be experiencing whether it be staff hiring and training, backend, management, or product purchasing and restocking. Whatever is the trouble being faced by you, call our experts and they will help you!

What Are The Requirements And Investments To be a Pharmacy360 Franchise in India?

Requirements And lnvestments To Become A Pharmacy360 Franchise

  • Area/Size = 300sqft – 10000sqft
  • Franchise fees = 2,70,000 + 18 % GST
  • Software fees = 50000 / login
  • Product order = 1500 / sqft approx
  • Interior cost = 1000-1200 per sqft
  • Security deposit = 1,00,000/
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Our Process To Open Your Store

Be a Part of the Best Franchise In just a Few Simple Steps-


You can be a franchisee of Pharmacy360 with an appropriate process. It is easier but you need to be professional.

Your site survey

Medicines are important for all. Before giving you a franchise, your site, will be surveyed considering your customers demand and depending upon it, Pharmacy360 will make the decision.

Appointment franchise verification

There are many things that need to be verified about the franchise business.

Area code activation

We have different codes depending on different areas where our franchise business is functional. Hence before you start your franchise, we will assure you of an activated area code.

Providing the welcome kit

After the completion of the above steps, we will provider you the welcome kit for your new franchise business.

Opening of the franchise

Once you complete these few steps, you are ready. You are a part of the Pharmacy360 family. You can open your store as a franchisee of Pharmacy360 in your area.

The Year’s top startup in (FMCG)

The India Startup Summit, a major event, was lately held on December 16, 2022, and was organised by some of the top players in the sector. One of the Summit’s events was the presentation of Startup Achiever Awards to the most prosperous startups across all industries.

We are pleased to announce that Pharmacy360 has been named the Best Startup of the Year in the FMCG category, praising the dedication of our team. An image of a member of the Pharmacy360 team accepting the Best Startup of the Year Award from the Indian Startup Summit is shown below. Due to the startup’s rapid and significant success growth over the past two years, the Pharmacy360 received this honour.

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How much does a Pharmacy360 franchise cost?

Every region has a unique population; hence each region’s needs are also unique. We were unable to create a single investment plan that was universal due to these disparities. We’ve developed a few investment strategies. Call us to find out which is ideal for you.

Do you have a retail grocery store franchise?

We do, in fact, have a franchise for a grocery store. Since not everyone in India can afford a supermarket franchise, we also developed retail ones.

Will you conduct the site survey before approving the franchise?

Yes, the site survey is something we do. Again, we apologise for making things difficult, but it is crucial to have the top supermarket franchise in India because that designation carries a lot of weight.

What is area code verification?

Each location where we operate our franchise firm has its own area code. We will provide the Pharmacy360 area activation code to activate your area code after your franchise is authorized. This facilitates data handling.

What support will Pharmacy360 provide to franchise owners?

Pharmacy360 will provide you with comprehensive hand-holding assistance. Support for accounting, purchasing, and operations is provided through TV, newspaper, radio, pamphlets, support hoardings, social media ads, staff training, t-shirt, caps, and ongoing professional advice.

Which is the best supermarket franchise in India?

Although it may sound like we are boasting, we are the fastest-growing supermarket franchise in India because of our quick results and positive feedback. We provide our franchises with the highest rewards; therefore, this can be only one explanation for our rapid development.

Is Supermarket profitable in India?

  • In India, the franchising market is expanding at a rate of 30–35% annually.
  • By 2024, it is anticipated to reach $100 billion.
  • After the US, India already has the second-largest franchise market worldwide.
  • Every year, more than 1,000 new retail companies choose to franchise.
  • In India, a food store has a 35–40% profit margin.

In India, the franchise industry is flourishing, and the supermarket franchise makes up a sizable portion of it.

Can I own more than one Pharmacy360 franchise?

Yes surely! As we follow the same procedure with every franchisee, we will assess your location, area, and population statistics. Once you are eligible, you are welcome to the Pharmacy360 chain!

Do I require an appointment for the Pharmacy360 franchise?

You do! We acknowledge that this complicates the process somewhat, but without a planned procedure to handle a large volume of inquiries each day, it is impossible to become the fastest-growing supermarket franchise in India.

What type of store is Pharmacy360?

Everyone who qualifies for the minimum requirements can purchase franchises for retail grocery stores and supermarkets from Pharmacy360 in India.

What is the unique selling proposition of Pharmacy360?

The expertise, technology, planning, approach that we provide to all of our franchises in order to support their growth to the fullest are our USP.

What are the primary products of Pharmacy360?

Grocery, bakery, stationery, toys, books, magazines, personal care items, beverages, fruit and vegetables, frozen food and ice cream, tobacco, travel solutions, and more are among our extensive selection of 20,000+ products.

What is the cost of a supermarket in India?

The price of a supermarket in India varies on a number of variables. The area element is the most important one. To open a grocery, you would need between 10 lakhs and 2 crores, as per the locality.

While a grocery store can be opened for between 3 and 9 lakhs, as per the locality.

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