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Siocare Cap 10S



Siocare is a powerful polyherbal formulation which works as a uterine tonic.Siocare contains Asoka, Lodhra, Shatavari, Ashwagandha, Chandan, Dhataki, Udumbara, Daruharidra, Guduchi, Dashmoola, Musta, Jeeraka and other active herbs.

Product Details

Package Size( 1 Strip of 10 Capsule )
Manufactured ByManufactured By Albert David Limited
Price Depends OnPrice may vary depending on the product batch
Discount(10% OFF)
TaxesIncludes all taxes
How it works Na
How to use Take one capsule two times a day for 90 days or as directed by the physician. Use under medical supervision
Interactions / Warnings Na
Uses / Indications Ashoka acts as an astringent and controls excessive bleeding, Ashwagandha has tranquilizing and anti-oxidant properties, and Amla has antioxidant and tonic properties. Siocare is useful in menorrhagia, amenorrhea, leucorrhea, dysmenorrhea and polycystic ovarian syndrome (PCOS). It nourishes the uterus and also aids in conception.

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